426183_189560684488087_204941381_n Wing Chun Masters app 1, 2, 3 and 4 are educational martial arts applications which users from any level, Veterans, beginners and even those just curious about the effective Wing Chun system, will find useful. From Grandmaster Ip Chun (the son of Great Grandmaster Ip Man) these applications teach the forms and applications of the Wing Chun System. A step by step breakdown of the Siu Nim Tau form and the Muk Yan Jong ‘Wooden Dummy’ training video from a point of view which has never been seen before are shown in app 1. Each technique is broken down thoroughly to guide you along the way with both motion capture technology as well as live action videos accompanied by over an hour’s worth of videos, pictures, commentaries and texts in every app. The purpose of Wing Chun Masters is not meant to replace a classroom. The software is meant to promote and further educate people on the strength while those already rehearsed in the system will find these Apps very helpful. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to learn and practice Wing Chun in the most convenient way possible, from the palm of your hand.


Available at iTunes Stores, under Health and Fitness, Wing Chun Masters 1,2,3 and 4.